Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Extensive Flooding.

Over the past few days we received over 18 inches of rain. We had a five gallon bucket out in the open to see how much rain we got and it overflowed. I have never seen this much flooding in my life. I wish I had taken my camera to town but since I was going with someone else I did not have time. One parking lot had over a foot of water flowing across it. On the highway we forded a stream that was running six inches over the road. After arriving home I hiked on down to the lake and took some pictures. The level of the lake has risen over two feet. The peers are covered by about a foot of water. If you look close at the first image you can see the peer cutting diagonally across the image about a third of the way up the left side.
Sony A200 40mm 1/80 sec at f/5.6 ISO 125
Sony A200 30mm 1/80 sec at f/5.6 ISO 400
Floating docks did much better, though some of the ones pulled up on the beach for the winter, floated away.
Sony A200 18mm 1/50 sec at f/5.6 ISO 400
Minolta 5D 40mm 1/80 sec at f/5.6 ISO 250
The lakeside trail was rather flooded in places. The raised walkway floated up about four inches and there was over a foot of water in the trail where it ends.
Minolta 5D 18mm 1/40 sec at f/4.5 ISO 100
I enjoy being out in the rain. It adds a whole new atmosphere to the landscape.
Minolta 5D 60mm 1/80 sec at f/5.6 ISO 800

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